Law Referral Connect - FAQs
Advertisements - Ads and Sponsored Stories

We are proud to host an advertisments campaign tool for your use. We have packages available to suit any advertisment budget. Our rules for advertisements can be found in our terms of service here


What are the differences between Ads and Sponsored Stories?


Ads - Allow you to promote your content from this community, your website, or any online destination. You can specify a custom message, action URL and upload ad image. Ads of content will be likable and relevant actions from the viewer's friends and others will automatically be shown to build word-of-mouth awareness.


Sponsored Stories - Get more distribution and visibility for user interaction with your content from this community. These social ads always include stories of relevant actions by viewer's friends on your content. Example: Viewer's friends Liking your content. With Sponsored Stories, viewers will be able to Like your content inline on-the-spot. Such Like actions will lead to a viral promotion of your content as your Sponsored Story will then also be viewable to the viewer’s friends