Recent Entries

  • Do I Have to Go to Court in a Personal Injury Case?

      The idea of having to go to court can be daunting to many people. And litigation is costly and can drag out indefinitely. If you’ve been injured by another party and are facing the stresses of injury, pain, and hefty medical bills, you probably don’t want to deal with the time co...
  • Scheduling a Free Consultation with a Personal Injury Attorney

    If you or a family member has suffered an injury in an accident and you think another party is at least partially at fault, you are probably wondering if compensation might be available through an insurance claim or lawsuit. In order to get a better idea of what your options might be, you should tal...
  • What If You’re Injured by an Uninsured Driver?

    You'd never think of operating your vehicle without insurance, but other drivers on the road may not be so responsible. In fact, in 2015 alone, it was estimated that about 13% of motorists in the United States were uninsured. Hopefully, you'll never be in a situation where you're injured b...