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Legal Options After a Brain Injury

  • A brain injury is one of the worst types of injuries imaginable. Brain damage can negatively impact your life in a variety of ways. Depending on which part of your brain is affected and how serious the injury is, your life could be impacted in the following ways:

    • Coordination and balance problems
    • Difficulties with memory and information processing
    • Personality and mood changes

    These issues could change everything for you, including your job prospects, your relationships, and your life enjoyment. So, what can you do if you’ve sustained a brain injury and it was someone else’s negligence that caused it?

    Filing a Claim for a Brain Injury

    If your brain trauma was caused by another person’s negligence, you might be able to file an injury case against the person responsible. Filing and winning a case will allow you to obtain compensation for all the negative ways your brain injury has changed your life.

    In some cases your brain damage could prevent you from ever working again. You will need monetary compensation to provide for your future. To win your case you will need to prove fault and provide evidence that proves your injuries and losses.

    You can also work with an injury lawyer who can help you with winning the compensation you deserve for an injury you didn’t cause. Listed below are some common damages you can be awarded compensation for when you win your case:

    • Pain and suffering
    • Missed work wages
    • Permanent disability
    • Loss of life enjoyment
    • Medical expenses
    • Mental health treatment
    • Behavioral health treatment

    Obtain Legal Assistance for Help With Your Brain Damage Claim

    You deserve to receive justice and monetary compensation for the brain injury you suffered at the hands of a negligent party. For help putting together your claim, contact a Louisiana brain injury lawyer at Spencer Calahan Injury Lawyers. Receive a free case assessment by calling 225-387-2323 or visiting our website for more information.