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Assault Laws in Texas



    Assaultive offenses in the Texas penal code include many different forms of assault. The most commonly charged are generally assault and aggravated assault. Many states have separate laws for both assault and battery—battery taking place when actual harms occurs—but Texas does not have a battery clause, because it is covered as part of assault instead.


    Assault or Aggravated Assault?

    Assault is intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly causing or threatening to cause bodily injury to another. It also covers intentional contact with reasonable knowledge that the other person will consider it offensive or provocative.

    Aggravated assault is charged if serious bodily injury is caused or if the alleged aggressor used or exhibited a deadly weapon during the assault.

    These crimes range from class A misdemeanors all the way to first-degree felonies, depending on the circumstances. If convicted, you will face thousands of dollars in fines, prison sentences of up to ninety-nine years, community service, and the way will be open for a variety of civil lawsuits seeking financial damages.

    The costs to your professional and personal lives will be immense before you ever even get to trial. Your reputation will be damaged, perhaps irreparably, to the point that your career could end, leaving you unable to support your family. The best way to protect your finances, family, and freedom is to speak with an Austin defense lawyer.


    Free and Confidential Consultation with an Austin Defense Attorney

    A criminal defense attorney will be your greatest ally in your fight against criminal charges. We can handle every aspect of your defense so that you can continue working and spending time with your family. If you or someone you know is facing legal trouble, you need to call an Austin assault lawyer from Tillman Braniff, PLLC immediately.

    Please give us a call at 512-236-0505 or reach us online to schedule a free and confidential consultation with one of our attorneys. You must defend the future of your career, family, and personal freedom, so act now.