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Injuries Children Face in Indiana Accidents

  • Suffering through an accident that injures you is difficult. But when your child gets injured in Indianapolis, you’ll likely feel even worse. As a parent, you want to protect your children at all costs. But you don’t always have the power to protect them when other people are negligent. 

    Children in Indiana can experience accidents just like adults. They can also experience accidents caused by a lack of proper supervision. Because children are so vulnerable, they may get injured more easily than an adult would in a similar situation. If you know someone else’s negligence caused your child’s injuries, you should discuss your case with an Indianapolis personal injury lawyer from Kooi Law.

    Drowning and Near-Drowning

    Drowning or near-drowning is a common accident that children face. Because many young children don’t know how to swim, they can fall into the water of a swimming pool, lake, or ocean and sink to the bottom. If no one is around to rescue them, drowning only takes a few minutes. Even when someone is there to rescue them, injuries can occur from a lack of oxygen to the brain.

    Drowning accidents can be the fault of the adult who was supposed to be watching your child. They can also be the fault of an organization if your child was swimming at a local pool and a lifeguard was negligent, for example. 

    Speaking to a lawyer can give you guidance on how to investigate the accident properly.


    Falls are another common accident involving children. Children can fall and get injured at playgrounds or on anything more than a few feet off the ground. Again, adults must watch children at all times to ensure they aren’t climbing to dangerous heights. Children don’t know any better and can easily fall off these surfaces.


    Choking is one of the most common causes of child injuries. It’s essential for teachers, caregivers, and other adults watching over children to pay close attention to what they’re feeding young children. They should also watch over children when playing because kids can choke on inedible objects. Children are prone to putting things in their mouths, so it’s important to always monitor children to avoid injuries.


    Children may suffer injuries from poisoning if they ingest dangerous substances like cleaning supplies or airborne toxins. You should lock up any cabinets in your home where you keep chemicals and communicate with caregivers about doing the same in daycares or schools. If someone is watching your child and a poisoning accident occurs, you can take steps to hold them accountable.


    There are many things that can burn your child, including hot liquids, gases, surfaces, and even the sun. Adult negligence, company negligence, or a product defect may cause a burn injury. To obtain a settlement for your child’s burn injury, you should gather evidence from your case and use the evidence to prove negligence. 

    Talk to a Personal Injury Lawyer about Your Options in Indy

    No one wants to see their child suffer. Taking legal action with the help of an Indianapolis personal injury lawyer from Kooi Law can give your family the money needed to make the recovery process easier. Call 317-569-1335 to schedule a free consultation with a member of our team, or check out our website for more information.