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How Long Could I Lose My License for Drunk Driving?

  • If you’ve been pulled over and arrested for drunk driving, you might already realize that your driver’s license may be in trouble. Whether you’re aware of it or not, the ten-day clock is ticking on the potential administrative suspension of your driver’s license, and then you will still have the criminal DUI charge to deal with.

    If you lose your license, when will you even get it back? It’s important to understand the potential penalties you could be facing. To learn what to expect before your license is suspended or revoked, call a qualified and experienced DUI lawyer at Hersem Law and check out the information below. 

    First Offense

    The amount of time you could be without your license after a DUI will depend on various factors, including whether this was your first offense. First-time DUI offenders in Florida face a possible six-month administrative suspension of their driver’s license if their BAC was higher than .08. 

    Keep in mind that you could also lose your driver’s license if you refused to submit to a urine, breath, or blood test. Such a refusal can trigger a one-year administrative suspension of your driver’s license.

    You can fight the potential administrative suspension of your license after a Florida DUI, but you only have ten days to do so. That’s why it’s important to contact Hersem Law as soon as possible after your arrest. The sooner we can get started, the better chance we’ll have in fighting your DUI charge.

    The above describes only the potential administrative suspension of your driver’s license. You could also face a suspension from the criminal side of things if you’re convicted of the DUI charge. For a first-time standard DUI conviction, that suspension could last for six months to a year. Hersem Law can help with that part of this situation, too.

    Subsequent DUI Convictions

    Additional DUI convictions in Florida can lead to much longer period in which you cannot legally drive. A second DUI conviction within five years of your first conviction will lead to license suspension of five years, for example.

    If this is your third DUI charge within ten years of your second conviction, a new conviction will lead to a driver’s license suspension of ten years. Any convictions beyond that will lead to a permanent revocation of your Florida driver’s license. 

    Get a Lawyer’s Help with Drunk Driving Charges

    Knowing the penalties for driving under the influence is only a part of your case, though. While it’s important to understand the potential penalties, it’s also important to understand that you have a chance to fight back.

    Protect your license by reaching out to a talented lawyer at Hersem Law. Your Tampa DUI lawyer can help you defend your case and work to get those charges dismissed, starting with a free strategy session about your case and your options for defense. 

    Ready to get started? Schedule a free strategy session with our firm by calling 813-251-7291 or by visiting our website and using our online contact form.