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Injuries and Negligence: What You Need to Know

  • A personal injury has the potential to cause serious problems in your life. Dealing with the pain of your injuries is bad enough—but you likely also have a mountain of medical bills to attend to, and the resulting time away from work may also be putting extra pressure on your finances. 

    To add insult to injury, knowing someone else is responsible for your injuries can be emotionally devastating. 

    The good news is financial recovery is within your reach. A Savannah personal injury lawyer can help you fight for the fair compensation you deserve, regardless of the type of accident you’ve suffered. 

    Common Examples of Personal injury Claims

    When you suffer a personal injury, one of the most frustrating parts is knowing that if it hadn’t been for the carelessness of another, you wouldn’t have ever suffered your accident in the first place. 

    This carelessness has a legal name—”negligence.” And, in order to file a successful claim for compensation, you have to put together the available evidence in order to prove it was the responsible party’s actions that led to your injuries. 

    This is just one of the ways going with a personal injury lawyer can help. Some of the types of accident your attorney should have experience litigating include:

    • Car accidents
    • Motorcycle accidents
    • Truck accidents
    • Pedestrian accidents
    • Premises liability claims
    • Medical malpractice
    • Wrongful death
    • And others

    Collecting Damages After a Personal Injury

    There are two ways to go about receiving financial compensation after a personal injury. The first option, which is preferred by both parties, is by negotiating a settlement deal out of court. 

    Because the insurance company representing the responsible party is the one usually tasked with paying your damages when you file a claim, dealing with the insurance adjusters is a part of the deal. 

    The problem is the insurance company doesn’t want to lose more money than it has to by paying out claims. For that reason, the minute you file a claim, an army of lawyers and insurance workers will go to work to try and devalue your claim. Even if you feel the insurance representative is on your side, it’s important to remember this is really never the case. 

    An experienced personal injury lawyer can help you increase your chances of getting the most possible out of your claim by negotiating with the insurance company directly. 

    Although the majority of claims are settled out of court, sometimes it becomes impossible to get the terms you’re looking for in a settlement. In those cases, your lawyer can take the step of filing a formal lawsuit and litigating the issue in court. 

    For that reason, partnering with an attorney who’s not afraid of the courtroom is essential if you’re going to get the most out of your claim. 

    Link Up with a Personal Injury Lawyer in Savannah 

    When you suffer a personal injury, don’t let the insurance company boss you around. A personal injury lawyer from The Nye Law Group can use their experience to help you increase the settlement payout you receive.

    Ready for a free consultation? Call 912-200-5230 to get started today.