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Compensating Personal Injury Victims

  • One of the top questions personal injury victims like you want to know is, “How much am I going to win?”

    The truth is, until we have reviewed the details of your case, there is no way of knowing. But it makes sense you would want to know what you could be awarded. After all you’ve been through, you want to make sure you aren’t wasting your time and energy. 

    With the right Georgia personal injury attorney by your side, you can breathe easier knowing your case is in expert hands. While you’re waiting to discuss your case with your lawyer, you can continue reading to learn more about some of the different losses you may be able to recover in your personal injury claim. 

    Economic Damages

    Economic damages refer exclusively to your financial losses. These are quantifiable losses that have directly affected you financially. Some of the various economic damages you could recover in your personal injury claim include:

    • Loss of income

    • Diminished earning potential

    • Property damage

    • Medical expenses

    • Medical equipment

    • Costs of household maintenance

    • Costs of child care

    • Cost of increased insurance premiums

    • Other financial losses

    Non-Economic Damages

    But people don’t only suffer financially after they have been seriously injured in an accident. In fact, the other ways their lives are turned upside down are often more impactful. These types of losses are called non-economic damages and have nothing to do with money. Some non-economic damages you could recover in your lawsuit include:

    • Damage to your reputation 
    • Loss of companionship and love
    • Loss of society and support
    • Emotional distress
    • Pain and suffering 
    • Diminished quality of life
    • Inconvenience
    • Scarring and disfigurement 
    • Loss of household services (non-financial)
    • Other non-monetary losses

    These are only a few examples of non-economic damages. You have the right to be made whole. Your lawyer will fight to ensure you are compensated for every single loss you endure in your accident. 

    Punitive Damages

    Finally, we have punitive damages. These are unlike the economic and non-economic damages you are entitled to in your lawsuit. Punitive damages are so much more. They are the court system’s way of punishing the at-fault party. 

    But punitive damages aren’t awarded lightly. In fact, only in cases where the judge or jury find the actions of the at-fault party to be reprehensible will punitive damages be awarded. It is the court’s way of saying these types of actions will not be tolerated by the Georgia civil court system. 

    Since they are awarded beyond your compensatory damages, being awarded punitive damages could dramatically increase the final amount of your award.

    Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer in Atlanta

    Are you ready to find out how much you could be awarded? Are you ready to fight for the compensation you deserve? Call a respected Atlanta personal injury lawyer at Monge & Associates for help with your claim. We can be reached through our website’s quick contact form or by phone at 678-382-6043 to schedule your free, no-obligation consultation.