In the event that you are fortunate and/or intelligent, you may be able to dordle obtain one side in the first few guesses and still have many left over, allowing you to focus on solving the second side. However, if you solve the first on even your fourth or fifth guess — particularly if you concentrated a guess or two on having that side solved at the cost of more helpful guesses on the other side — you can find yourself tossing a Hail Mary word in there to try and achieve the twofer. This is especially in the case when you focused on getting that side solved.
You may be wondering about those convenient color-coded keyboards. What about them? It's possible that this is the most clever twist all. During the process of completing both puzzles, letters that have been guessed are divided along the middle. For instance, if there is an E that has been properly put in the left grid but there is no E in the right-hand word, the E that is shown on the keyboard will be half green and half grey on the sides that correspond to it. Following the completion of one side, the letters of the answer are given a subtle green stripe that runs down one side, and the remaining portion of the key is occupied by the colors that are pertinent to the other side. That is to say, the keyboard actively assists you in concentrating on the aspect that remains unresolved.
In addition to a daily Dordle that is the same for everyone, Zaratustra has also built you a non-daily, randomized version of the game that you may play as many times in a row as you want to refine your strategy (and your vocabulary). This is the good news. The now-familiar blank grid that you may copy to your clipboard to display your brilliance (or your failure, or failures, plural) is generated by both the daily and the infinite versions of the software.
The bad news is that, as you may have guessed, using a limitless amount of Dordles makes the game just as challenging as it is addicting. I would want to remind everybody who is now working on their own Wordle variation that it is possible to have an excessive amount of something that is nice.