Law Referral Connect for Attorneys, Law Firms, Law Schools, CPAs and others in the Law Related Profession.
Conventional Law Referral Services:
Having a typical law referral service send clients that are looking for a lawyer can be a good way to gain new clients, but can also be expensive and your control over who you are sent is limited by rotation in the list of attorneys. These law referral services charge an attorney a nominal yearly fee such as $50-$75 to be listed with their referral service. When a client is referred to the lawyer and their services are retained, the law referral service is entitled to a given percentage of the lawyer’s fees, varying by state. A common percentage of 10-20% is expected for the law referral service, again governed by state laws. This percentage can add quickly to the amount of money paid for these clients and your services advertised.
Cost of Online Advertising:
An online listing website may charge up to $200+ per month to be listed within their city and specialty, but do not have much social interaction for people to network with the businesses. Online Advertising Campaigns, like Google Adwords, can become very expensive for lawyers due to the competition of keywords. Averages of $30 and more are common as a cost per click for law related keywords. Every time a person clicks your ad, even if they do not contact you, you are charged this cost per click rate. A daily budget of $100 may only get 1-4 clients to your page per day, and depending on the person they may or may not contact you. This method can be very expensive for attorneys wishing to create these types of campaigns for law related keywords that tend to be very expensive. A budget of $3000+ per month would almost be a minimum for an effective campaign using this method.
Features of Law Referral Connect:
In staying current with advancing times and technology, we saw the structures of law referral services had areas for improvement. We designed just that, an improved nationwide law referral service modeled to benefit the referral process, the client and the attorney or law firm and others within the legal profession. Social networking is the way to stay connected and has become America’s favorite method for finding information, sharing this information with others and for businesses to promote their services and stay connected with others in their network. We have recently developed a law specific web-based social networking website that changes the way people find and can interact with attorneys and others in the law community. Our features allow businesses and staff to stay connected, promote their practice, free up time from their often very busy schedules, and this leads to more efficiency and a better experience for all involved.
Key features we offer with our network to sponsored attorneys or law firms:
Financial Benefits of Law Referral Connect:
We have very affordable paid plans which offer many great features for a YEARLY rate of only $239.95! You will be able to set up your account to use all our networking rich features, you will receive unlimited referrals and using our interactive networking website lets your firm and staff use your time as efficiently as possible.
We do not charge any client case fees, our fees for sponsored attorneys are the lowest anywhere, our services offer many more features than the competition and we have no contracts.