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Last Update:
November 3, 2016
Last Login:
November 3, 2016
November 3, 2016
Member Level:
LRC Member
Personal Information
First Name
Last Name
June 20, 1960
Personal Details
About Me
My name is Bruce Blaylock, and I would like to tell you why my law practice is focused exclusively on helping people who get hurt.
My Background
I grew up in Bethesda, Maryland and moved to New Orleans to attend college at Tulane University. While studying for my undergraduate degree, I became a certified Emergency Medical Technician and worked in the Emergency Room of Touro Hospital in New Orleans.
My Experience As An Emergency Medical Technician Working In A Hospital Emergency Room
As a technician in the Emergency Room, I repeatedly saw up close how random acts of carelessness could result in tremendous pain, loss, and even death, to innocent people. I saw how enormously unfair it is for someone to become badly injured – or even killed – through absolutely no fault of their own.
Why Working In The Emergency Room
Made Me Want To Be A Lawyer
This experience in assisting with the emergency trauma care of seriously injured victims inspired me to become a lawyer. I wanted to help injury victims use the legal system to achieve justice. I wanted to help make sure that their voice gets heard.
What I Decided To Do Differently Than
Other Personal Injury Lawyers
However, if I was going to be a personal injury lawyer, I wanted to do something that would set my law practice apart from the crowd. I did not like the reputation that a lot of personal injury lawyers had and I found their television commercials, billboards, and yellow pages advertisements distasteful.
The Promise I Made:
I Would NEVER Advertise In The Media
As a result, when I started my law practice in 1983, I made a promise that I would never advertise in the media. That meant no television commercials, no tacky billboards, no yellow pages advertisements and no other media advertising that would ever be in any way associated with my practice.
Getting New Cases The Old Fashion Way
I was determined to build my law practice the old fashion – working hard on every case and relying completely on word of mouth referrals.
Why You Want To Know This
Building a law practice by word of mouth is a much harder thing to do than building a practice by advertising. It means that your next generation of clients is NOT going to come from someone seeing some slick advertisement somewhere. It means that your next generation of clients is going to come exclusively from how you perform on your current cases. If you do good work, your current clients will tell their friends and loved ones about you. If you don’t, they won’t.
The Result
I now have been practicing law for over 30 years and have a very healthy law practice.
During that entire time, I have been helping injury victims obtain the best possible financial recovery for their individual situations.
My Background Interest In Medicine
Has Served My Clients well
Additionally, my background interest in medicine has turned out to be a major asset for my clients. Why? Because the practice of law is all about communication – whether it is to a judge, a jury, an insurance adjuster or a client. My emergency room experience has given me the ability to communicate the specific medical components of each individual case into language which explains the mechanics of an injury as well as the impact it can have on a person’s quality of life. That is essential in obtaining justice for an injury victim.
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