If you’ve been injured in an electrical accident, you’re going to be wondering about your legal options. Where do you get started? Who is liable for the injury? What can you expect in the coming weeks and months?
This article will go over a few of the more common parties that could be liable for an electrical injury. Every case is different, however. The only way to know for sure what your best options are is to go over your case with a skilled electrical injury attorney. The best thing you can do is find an attorney you can trust.
Possible Negligent Parties
Different circumstances can lead to different parties' being liable for the accident. Here is a partial list of some of the most common negligent parties and the ways in which their negligence can manifest.
If you are injured in an electrical accident in the workplace, your employer may be liable for the accident. Workers’ compensation laws apply in most cases, regardless of fault. In most cases, you cannot also bring a personal injury lawsuit against your employer, but in some circumstances, you can bring a claim against a co-employee or other persons on the job site who work at different companies. On all job sites, someone has a responsibility to ensure the safety of the workplace – especially in cases where workers spend time around high voltage lines.
Property owners, including landlords, can be found liable for electrical accidents that take place on their property. For example, if it is found that a landlord failed to maintain the wiring on his or her property and an electrical accident took place as a result, it’s likely that he or she could be found liable for the accident.
This type of case is known as premises liability. The law requires property owners to ensure that their properties are reasonably safe for all persons. If it’s found that the property owner failed to ensure this reasonable degree of safety, he or she is negligent and can be liable for injuries.
Manufacturers can be taken to court for product liability. With electrical accidents, product liability cases can relate to poorly manufactured electrical products that lead directly to an accident. They can also relate to defective items meant to protect against electrical injury. (If someone is using protective equipment properly but is injured anyway, it may be because of negligence on behalf of the manufacturer.)
Manufacturers have a duty of care to ensure the quality of their products. If you or a loved one has been injured because of faulty equipment, you may have a personal injury case.
What to do if You’ve Been Injured
If you or a loved one has been injured in an electrical accident, the first thing to do is seek medical help. Even in the case of minor injuries, it can be important to have medical records documenting the injuries. After that, it’s important to talk to an attorney you can trust. Many personal injury attorneys offer a free initial consultation, allowing you the chance to get to know the attorney and have your case evaluated before committing to sue anyone.
The right personal injury attorney can guide you through the process. An experienced attorney knows the tactics that negligent parties often use to defend themselves and can give you the best possible chance of winning or settling your case. Don’t wait. Get on the phone or send an email to a personal injury attorney as soon as you can.