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How to Establish Paternity in Pennsylvania

  • Whether you are a family who simply wishes to establish the paternity of your child’s father, or if you genuinely are not sure who the father of your child is, establishing paternity can benefit both you and your child.

    Not only will your child potentially benefit from being able to have a relationship with their father, but you may also have the opportunity to obtain child support from the father so that you can provide for your child. Read on to learn more about how to establish paternity in Pennsylvania.


    How Paternity Is Established

    There are a few different ways that paternity can be established in Pennsylvania. First, the alleged father has the option of acknowledging paternity by signing the birth certificate of the child or otherwise acting in a paternal role to the child.

    In cases where the mother and father of the child were not married when the child was born, or in the event that you were married and still have concerns regarding your child’s paternal parent, the father can request that paternity testing be done to confirm the child’s parentage.

    At Lisa Marie Vari & Associates, P.C., we understand that these issues are delicate, and for this reason, we always recommend that DNA testing is done prior to an alleged father assuming paternity of the child in question.


    DNA Testing and Paternity Disputes

    The most common way to confirm parentage is to have DNA testing performed. This can be done by swabbing the inside of the alleged father’s mouth and the child’s mouths for DNA, through taking a blood sample, or by genetic testing.

    Once paternity has been established through DNA testing, the Pennsylvania family courts can order that child support be paid if the parents of the child are not married. At this time, a child custody order can also be issued to ensure that both parents are able to spend quality time with their child and that the child is able to develop a relationship with both of their parents.


    Call a PA Paternity Lawyer Today

    If you are a man who has doubts about the paternity of your partner’s child, or if you are a mother who wants to confirm the paternity of her child, consult with a PA paternity lawyer at Lisa Marie Vari & Associates, P.C. today. You can do so by visiting our website or giving our office a call at 1-844-VARI-LAW (827-4529).