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Common Causes of Car Accidents

  • Some car accidents aren’t preventable. They are true accidents that occur due to poor weather conditions, wildlife, or natural disasters. But the vast majority of car accidents are caused by negligence. This means these types of accidents could have been prevented.

    When negligence causes another party to be injured, the victim may be entitled to compensation for all they have been through. But in order to be awarded an injury settlement, they will need to show the courts someone else is responsible for causing the accident. 

    With this in mind, you can continue reading to learn more about some of the most common causes of car accidents: reckless driving, negligence by government agencies, and defective auto parts. 

    Reckless Driving

    Arguably the most common cause of any type of motor vehicle accident is reckless driving and driver negligence. Drivers making mistakes and being irresponsible drivers cause car accidents to happen at an alarming rate. There are also many different types of reckless driving, some of which include:

    • Distracted driving
    • Driving while fatigued
    • Operating a vehicle while drunk or drugged
    • Speeding
    • Failure to use a turn signal
    • Failure to stop
    • Following too closely
    • Road rage
    • Improper U-turn

    When a driver is responsible for causing a car accident in Montana, their insurance company will compensate victims as Montana is a fault state for car accidents. When the insurance settlement doesn’t meet a victim’s needs, the remaining compensation may need to be sought after in a personal injury lawsuit. 

    Government Negligence

    Government agencies are often responsible for maintaining the safety of the roadways. When these roads are not properly maintained, they can cause devastating car accidents. There are many different ways this could happen, but some of the more common include:

    • Failure to secure road construction zones
    • Failure to make road repairs (i.e. fill potholes, for example)
    • Failure to install or repair traffic signs or lights
    • Failure to install or repair street lights

    These are only a few of the different ways government agencies can make mistakes that cost families. Civil claims against these government agencies can also be quite complex and require the attention of a trained legal professional. 

    Defective or Faulty Car Parts

    When a part on a car is defective, it can malfunction causing severe car accidents. Automakers, car parts manufacturers, and even vehicle technicians can be held accountable for defective car parts that cause accidents. Which party is found liable will be based upon the circumstances of the accident. 

    For example, if there was a defective design issue, the parts manufacturers could be held accountable. But if a technician used a recalled part to save money, a claim against the technician would be more appropriate. 

    Meet with a Car Accident Lawyer in Montana

    When you have been involved in a car accident, establishing fault is essential if you hope to win the compensation you need to get through these trying times. Get help with your case by calling a reputable Montana car accident lawyer at Craig Swapp & Associates. 

    Schedule your free, no-obligation consultation when you give our office a call at 1-800-404-9000 or find us online where you can complete our convenient contact form.