Recent Entries

  • Expert Witness And Their Role In Discovery Process

    The interest of justice is best served only when the witness produces unbiased testimony. In the litigation process, witnesses and their testimonies play a pivotal role. A witness helps to cross-examine the shreds of evidence presented in the case and adds a new dimension to the case by providing ad...
  • Outsourcing Lease abstraction aids in better compliance managem

    Compliance management is a process whichensures that a set of people are following a given set of rules. These rules are generally termed as the compliance standard or compliance benchmark. The compliance management may take many forms including procedures, documentation, a mix of policies, security...
  • Innovation Revolution in the Law firm model

    The traditional law firm model is undergoing gradual transformation. The legal tasks performed by large law firms are now being performed by lower-cost provider’s overseas i.e. Legal Process Outsourcing companies. More than 80% of the large law firms are planning to maintain or increase their ...